Leafy Greens - Spinach, lettuce, and kale can harbor dirt, pesticides, and bacteria, so thorough washing is essential.
Berries - Strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries can carry pesticides and microbes; rinse them well under running water.
Apples - Often coated with wax and pesticides, apples should be washed and scrubbed before consumption.
Tomatoes - These can have pesticide residue and dirt on their skin, so a good rinse is necessary.
Grapes - Grapes often have pesticides and bacteria on their surface, making it important to wash them thoroughly.
Potatoes - Potatoes grow underground and can be covered in soil and bacteria, necessitating a good scrub before cooking.
Cucumbers - Cucumbers are often waxed to preserve freshness, so wash and peel them if possible.
Bell Peppers - These can have pesticide residue and dirt trapped in their crevices; wash them well before use.
Celery - Celery's ridged surface can trap dirt and pesticides, so it needs a thorough wash before eating.